Number One Airbrush Tanning in Summerville

If you want to look your sun-kissed best in the middle of winter but don’t have the time or money for a trip to the Caribbean, then an airbrush tan from Luna Waxing Spa LLC might be the next best thing. While we can’t guarantee warm sand or palm trees, the relaxing and soothing experience that we create at our award-winning spa facility in the center of Summerville will more than make up for it. What’s more, you won’t have to pack a suitcase, wait in line at security or eat sub-standard airplane food!

So, whether you are trying to get the perfect tan for a weekend away with your partner or simply want to look your best for a night out with friends, our airbrush tanning treatment will provide guaranteed results. At Luna Waxing Spa LLC, we take immense pride in the service that we provide and we work hard every day to make sure that these high standards are maintained. When you schedule an airbrush tanning service from us, you know that you are getting the best service possible. Don’t take chances with inferior tanning facilities, contact the experts that Summerville trusts today. We promise you won’t be disappointed.

Natural Shade for Individual Tone and Depth

Do you want to look like you’ve been to Florida for a week or would you rather get a look that says you’ve lived by the beach all your life? Whatever depth of tan you are going for, we can make your wishes a reality. For our skilled tanning technicians, there is no job too big or challenging. So, while some spas simply offer light, medium or dark tan, we take pride in offering everything in between. A spray on tan from Luna Waxing Spa LLC will leave you your friends envious and curious in equal measure. Call today to get that perfect look.

Personal Approach to Tanning Application

At Luna Waxing Spa LLC we are firm believers in providing an individual-centered tanning service. What this means is that we never take a one-size-fits-all approach. Our technicians have years of combined tanning experience so know how to apply tan so that it looks as natural as possible. This means that we will apply less to your side and underarms then we do to your shoulders, just as the sun does. The little things make all the difference and we believe that it is this attention to detail that has kept so many Summerville residents returning to us since we first opened our doors.

Orange Hands Are a Thing of the Past

Anyone who has applied fake bottle tan can vouch for how much of a challenge it can be. Streaks and uneven application is one thing, but orange and over-tanned hands are something completely different. At Luna Waxing Spa LLC, orange hands are a thing of the past. Our skilled application equipment ensures an even tan that is sprayed across all areas of your body.